Telesales & Sales Outsourcing Success Stories and Case Studies

Top-performing companies recognize the significant benefits of sales and telesales outsourcing, which can result in more than a twofold increase in their return on sales investment. By leveraging sales outsourcing, these companies are able to maintain cost efficiency while empowering their sales managers to make informed decisions. Several compelling case studies and success stories further exemplify the advantages of sales outsourcing:

1. Virtual Sales Team Helps Company Generate $22.5M in Revenues

A U.S.-based firm wanted to recruit sales agents in various parts of the country and find a sales channel that would drive market share and improve customer retention. The firm worked with a sales outsourcing provider, which assigned a virtual sales team of 60 sales representatives to different areas.

A virtual sales executive was responsible for each location and for daily contact targets, ongoing sales training, and completing the sales cycle. Sales data was captured in a CRM tool to maintain territory information and find future opportunities. Data was also used in marketing campaigns.

Outsourced sales and telesales allowed the client to generate $22.5 million in revenues, with four units on average per sales rep/month and with each transaction valued at over $7,000. Each sales rep handled 300 customer contacts and 8 opportunities per month, while cultivating strong customer relationships due to low turnover.

2. Philips Outsources Sales to Enter New Markets Faster

Philips Speech Processing, a renowned global manufacturer of professional dictation hardware and software, had established itself as a leader in medical dictation products. Seeking to diversify into new vertical markets, particularly the legal dictation market, the company aimed to offer its innovative product that facilitated the efficient creation of intricate legal documents. However, as a newcomer in this market segment, Philips Speech Processing faced challenges in converting leads into actual buyers. The company lacked a comprehensive contact database and had limited insights into buyer behavior, hindering their ability to effectively penetrate the legal dictation market.

Instead of creating advertising programs and building an in-house sales team over time, Philips decided to outsource sales lead development to a trusted service provider. The vendor worked closely with Philips to understand the client’s products and strategy through interviews and extensive market research.

The vendor profiled top law firms and assigned sales reps to contact lawyers as well as office administrators multiple times to increase conversion rate dramatically. After generating leads, the vendor qualified leads (using criteria developed by Philips and the service provider) and built a database of contacts. With a database of high-quality leads, top sales representatives were able to focus on closing deals rather than cold calling.

Philips achieved conversion rates of over 5 percent with the help of a database of qualified buyers, facilitating the company’s growth in a traditionally difficult-to-access market. Through this process, Philips gained new insights into buyer needs and behavior, while also establishing a solid structure to ensure lead predictability and accurate revenue projection.

3. Healthcare Firm Boosts Lead Generation through Inside Sales Outsourcing

A leading healthcare services firm faced many challenges, including limited market coverage, year-on-year revenue decline, excessive focus on large accounts, and difficulties for field sales representatives in accessing smaller accounts. To address these issues, the company made the decision to engage an external expert—a reputable B2B inside sales provider—to enhance lead quality and support the field sales team.

The service provider collaborated closely with the client to tackle these challenges head-on. They assigned an experienced inside sales executive to explore new sales channels, drive lead generation and nurturing efforts, and ultimately increase revenue. The vendor assumed responsibility for handling objections, closing deals, and managing calls and emails that exceeded the monthly target. All relevant data was meticulously recorded in the CRM tool Salesforce, ensuring accurate monitoring and analysis of the sales activities.

The partnership yielded significant results for the healthcare firm. They were able to generate an impressive average of five leads per month and uncover more than 75 additional leads. The inside sales executive played a pivotal role in establishing new sales channels, scheduling calls for the field sales team, and curating a comprehensive database of key contacts. In total, the sales outsourcing campaign revealed a remarkable $27 million in new business opportunities within just one year.

And Now for your Own Success Story: Developing an Outsourced Sales Strategy

A sales strategy encompasses a company’s deliberate approach to maximize profitability through the sale of products and services. It plays a vital role within the broader sales management process, specifically in the “focus” phase. This comprehensive process entails identifying and prioritizing the most promising sales opportunities, strategically planning territories, determining commissions and quotas, generating high-quality leads, optimizing conversion rates, and effectively managing customer relationships.

To develop effective sales strategies, a collaborative effort between the administrative team, sales personnel, and marketing managers is typically required. Each strategy is crafted with a unique “pitch” designed to captivate potential customers. These pitches can vary in tone and content, tailored to align with the preferences and needs of the target market. In certain instances, telemarketers utilize pre-rehearsed spiels or memorized pitches, precisely delivering them to prospective buyers. It’s important to note that different industries employ diverse sales strategies, customizing their approaches to suit the specific characteristics and demands of their target market.

The Right Sales Strategy

A well-crafted sales strategy is considered successful when it can be easily executed by the sales force, resulting in value creation for the company, customers, sales team, and channel participants. Achieving ease of execution entails aligning the strategy with the organization’s value proposition and its ability to fulfill promises. Furthermore, a strong strategy sets achievable and realistic goals that consider the company’s selling resources, sales cycle, and market potential.

Developing an ideal sales strategy is a meticulous, multi-step process that requires time and consideration. For instance, let’s consider an e-commerce company specializing in jewelry sales. The initial steps involve determining the specific products to be sold, identifying the target audience, establishing suitable quantities, and outlining the overall approach. Additionally, setting goals for the sales team, such as a desired number of leads per month, is crucial. Sales strategies often encompass multiple objectives, each tailored to the unique characteristics of the industry and the sales team. Effective goals for the sales team should align with the daily influence of the team and contribute to the overall sales strategy of the company as a whole.

Outsourced Sales Strategy

Developing an effective sales strategy is a resource-intensive process that demands a significant investment of time and talent. It needs the expertise of top-level professionals who possess a deep understanding of your product, business, and industry. Building an internal sales force and strategy development team involves recruiting, training, and supporting dedicated professionals, which can place a strain on your resources. Moreover, in a competitive job market, identifying skilled sales strategists capable of transforming your sales force and driving positive financial outcomes can prove to be a challenging endeavor.

To drive revenue growth and access top talent and relevant technology, many companies are choosing to outsource sales strategy to an experienced third party. Sales strategy service providers help organizations increase revenues through the development and execution of the right sales strategy. Many vendors today focus on an analytics-driven and customer-focused approach to strategy development, taking into account consumer buying behavior, global competitiveness of target markets, use of multiple channels, and solutions integration.

Common sales strategy services include market research, competitive analysis, strategy testing, strategy monitoring and review, implementation, training, and detailed reporting. A company may outsource only one service, such as strategic consulting or strategy review, while others may adopt an end-to-end sales strategy solution.

Outsourced Strategy Development

The process of outsourced strategy development varies among different vendors, but the general steps are similar. It begins with identifying opportunities and conducting a thorough evaluation of the company, its products/services, and the market. Next, the focus shifts to developing the company’s value proposition and testing and reviewing various strategies. Finally, the service provider and the client collaborate on strategy development and execution.

Identification of Opportunities

The process commences with an in-depth consultation between the service provider and sales and marketing executives to identify existing challenges and potential opportunities. Typical opportunities include enhancing customer access, improving the customer experience, increasing qualified leads, and reducing costs.

Evaluation and Analysis

Once the opportunities are identified, a comprehensive evaluation of the company, its products, and the market is conducted. This evaluation includes competitive analysis to assess competitors, their strategies, and their strengths and weaknesses. Market analysis is also performed to identify customer segments and determine suitable product/service offerings. These segments and offerings are then mapped out, facilitating the easy identification of customer segments, channels, channel combinations, and solutions.

Value Proposition Development:

The development of a compelling value proposition is crucial, which involves identifying the features or innovations that make the product and company appealing to buyers. Based on the data collected during the analysis phase, the service provider formulates a clear market offering driven by value. This process also includes developing a unique selling proposition (USP), an exploitation strategy, a market entry strategy, and a communication strategy. The exploitation strategy explores alternative approaches for presenting the product to consumers, such as licensing, joint ventures, or intellectual property (IP) sale. The market entry strategy outlines how the product will be introduced to the new market and at what pricing levels (during and after market introduction).

Strategy Review and Testing

Before implementation, the strategy is reviewed with sales, marketing, and executive leaders. The service provider tests the strategy to determine its effectiveness in achieving sales objectives and its alignment with corporate goals. The review process identifies any problem areas and necessary changes to the original plan. Regular reviews are essential because customer needs and buying behavior are dynamic, and sales strategies must adapt to remain effective.


During the implementation stage, sufficient time is given to all parties involved to adjust to the changes. The introduction of changes occurs at a manageable pace, starting with a pilot phase before a full rollout. This applies to both people and software. The service provider consults with executives, sales and marketing managers, and sales force leads to ensure proper training on new ways of working and the utilization of new technology. CRM tools play a crucial role in managing new sales strategies at a larger scale.

To learn more about outsourcing, you can read our Top 8 Qualities of an Outsourcing Company in the Philippines article. We invite you to follow us on social media and to visit our website to learn more about our services.

About Us: Sourcefit is a widely recognized US-managed business process outsourcing company based in Manila, Philippines. We proudly serve over 100 clients with a workforce of more than 1,300 employees. Our global centers can serve multiple markets, and our staff is highly proficient in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Whether you need a few or many employees, we can help you achieve your business goals and build high-quality offshore teams.

Latest Awards

Sourcefit’s commitment to excellence has been recognized through numerous industry awards and certifications.

We recently received the Fortress Cyber Security Award from the Business Intelligence Group. Sourcefit was also honored with the prestigious recognition of Best Outsourcing Solutions Provider in the Philippines during the 2023 Business Excellence Awards.

Other awards include: FT ranking of 500 high-growth Asia-Pacific, The Marketing Excellence Awards, Inquirer Growth Champion,  HR Asia Awards, among others.

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